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       实验室力学性能试验机使用及操作规程 Laboratory mechanical properties test and operation procedures
  一、 打开总电源 检查供电电压试验机使用范围之内后电源与试验机线连接。
  First ,turn on the power. Check the connection of the power source and testing machine within the use scope of Power supply voltage tester.
  二、 先打开试验机开关再打开油泵开关,后检查试验机油泵是否正常工作。
  Second, open the test machine and open the oil pump next, after then check the text machine and pump working normally or not.
  三、 夹具夹持试样,先夹住试样一端再使夹具旁的指针指到5-10刻度之间。
  Third, clamping fixture hold the sample, first hold one side of the sample to make the pointer beside the clamping fixture point to 5-10 scale.
  四、 调节试验机表盘使两指针重合指在开始刻度线上,再夹住试样的另一端。之后再使试样纵轴与上下夹具中心连线相重合,并且要松紧适宜,以防止试样滑脱或断在夹具内。
  Forth, adjust the test machine dials, make two pointers overlap point to the began ruling, and then hold the other side of the sample. After that make the sample vertical axis and the center line coincide, and degree of tightness is suitable to prevent the sample slipping or broken in the fixture.
  五、 打开进油阀使指针每秒钟走一刻度为适宜,Fs 值过后再调大出油阀到试样断后关闭进油阀同时打开出油阀并记录下Fs 、Fb 值。
  Fifth, open filling valve to make the pointer move one mark every second the most appropriate. After Fs values, adjust filling valve big until the sample break down, and close the filling valve and open the delivery valve at the same time and record the value for Fs, Fb.
  六、 取下试件后关闭油泵开关再关闭电源开关。然后再将电源与试验机断开。
  Sixth, take off oil pump after taking down the specimen pump and switch off the power switch next. Then switch off the connection of the power and the tester.
  七、 试验完毕后拿毛巾将试验机上的污渍擦拭干净,做好记录。
  Seventh, to wipe clean stain with towel after the completion of the test, make record.

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